i google it for u
i google it for u


Let Me Google That For You


** 本站引用參考文章部分資訊,基於少量部分引用原則,為了避免造成過多外部連結,保留參考來源資訊而不直接連結,也請見諒 **

Here, Let Me Google That For You! Teach People How to ...

Passive-aggressively teach your friends how to Google. For all those people who find it more convenient to ask you rather than search it themselves.

Let Me Google That For You

For all those people that find it more convenient to bother you with their question than to google it for themselves.

Let me Google that for you

Let me Google that for you(LMGTFY),中文字面意思係「等我幫你喺Google搵一搵」。不過,喺網絡文化語境入面,呢句話其實係用嚟諷刺人未有自己先喺Google搵一下就 ...

Let me google that for you

Amazon Merch on Demand 提供來自各大暢銷品牌和獨立內容創作者的圖文T 恤、連帽衫、服裝及配件。每個設計都是在您下訂單時印製的。我們的產品評論平均為4 星,並包括免費 ...


For all those people who find it more convenient to bother you with their question rather than to Google it for themselves.

LMGTFY 如果你朋友不會Google... 這個服務可以教他應該 ...

本文要介紹的「LMGTFY」是Let me Google that for you 的縮寫,是一個諷刺意味十足的趣味工具,大概就是一種「你不知道要先自己搜尋嗎?」的概念,只要把關鍵字丟進去 ...

[電腦分享]讓我幫你Google吧!"Let me google that for you!"

2013年5月9日 — [電腦分享]讓我幫你Google吧!Let me google that for you! · 1. 先到Let me google that for you頁面-> http://lmgtfy.com/ · 2. 就像平常使用GOOGLE ...


2021年4月27日 — 只要在「Let me Google that for you」鍵入關鍵字,它就會跳出連結給你。連結點進去會顯示一個「幫忙使用者Google的動畫」,並親切地引導使用者至Google ...


Passive-aggressivelyteachyourfriendshowtoGoogle.Forallthosepeoplewhofinditmoreconvenienttoaskyouratherthansearchitthemselves.,Forallthosepeoplethatfinditmoreconvenienttobotheryouwiththeirquestionthantogoogleitforthemselves.,LetmeGooglethatforyou(LMGTFY),中文字面意思係「等我幫你喺Google搵一搵」。不過,喺網絡文化語境入面,呢句話其實係用嚟諷刺人未有自己先喺Google搵一下就 ...,AmazonMerchonDeman...